XLth Annual Conference of the Association of Canadian Ergonomists - September 14, 2009
Inaugural meeting of the Halifax Ergonomics Interest Group (HEIG)! - April 16, 2009
Accident Investigation / Human Error Workshop - March 26, 2009
ESA Conduting MSD Prevention Workshop at SSNS Conference - March 27, 2009
March 27, 2009
8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Fredericton Inn, Fredericton, NB
The Association of Canadian Ergonoimsts - Atlantic Region is brining people who are interested in ergonomics together at their 11th Annual Conference.putting on its annual conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
The theme of this year's conference is "Current Practices in Ergonomics" and it will focus on the benefits to be gained by using a participatory ergonomics process. There will be presentations from practicing ergonomists, researchers, and students, and related to marine safety, food processing, mining, and workers compensation. The confernce speakers will include:
Dr. Richard Wells
Director of the Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
Debbie Schwartzentruber, CCPE
Corporate Ergonomist, Maple Leaf Foods
Dr. Scott MacKinnon
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Darren MacDonald
Ergonomics Process Leader
Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Neil Maki
Corporate Ergonomist
Iron Ore Company of Canada
Click here to download the conference program (PDF file)
Click here to register online for this conference